Happy Monday! I hope that your Monday treated you well, and if it didn't then there's always Tuesday to look forward to! Starting today I will be posting a weekly playlist to share with you all. I love music, I find that along with writing, music brings me peace and I can just zone out of the real world for a couple of minutes. I have a weird taste in music. My iTunes library is very bipolar, it can go from Michael Bublé to Drake to then Phoenix. I'm glad I enjoy listening to different genres, I find it important to at least be open minded to different styles of music and everything in general. Check out what I'm listening to this week!
This Weeks Playlist
Drive-Miley Cyrus
Is She Gon Pop-J.Cole
Kiss Me Slowly-Parachute
Propuesta Indecente-Romeo Santos
Pretty Hurts-Beyonce
From Time-Drake
Jasey Rae-All Time Low
Breathe-Taylor Swift
Come Away With Me-Nora Jones