Monday, March 31, 2014

New York, New York!

Please excuse me for not blogging these past two weeks, unfortunately my laptop broke on my flight from NY to MIA. On the bright side, I'm going to share with you guys some amazing pictures I took from my trip to NY two weeks ago. My reasons for traveling to the fashion capital was for the College Media Association Conference. This was an event full of various workshops, held in the Sheraton Hotel in Time Square. I attended a variety of workshops including; How to score an internship, Social Media, Blogging, and How to prepare your resume. The over all experience was one I will appreciate for a life time. I was able to sightsee and visit neighborhoods such as Chelsea, West Village, Soho, Madison Ave, and Time Square. I thought I was obsessed with NY before I left, but now I just want to work hard in school and score an Internship up there in the summer. I have so much to look forward to this upcoming April and I can't wait to write about them. Without further ado, please find some of my pictures from my New York trip below.

My Favorite Outfits

Tourist Pictures
