Happy Monday to you all! Today might of been your first day of school or back to work, and I hope it went great. I know I skipped day 5 of my "26 Things I love", but sundays are family days for me. With that being said I am sharing with you guys two things I love today. My first obsession are statement necklaces! These necklaces really live up to their name, they can make a simple tank top and jeans look amazing and less casual. Personally, I wear statement necklaces without earrings but depending on the size and style you can wear studs or thin medium length earrings. The second thing I love is yoga and meditating. I always take at least five minutes to take in a deep breath and exhale all my frustrations. I recommend taking yoga classes because not only does it build your strength emotionally and physically but also improves your flexibility and teaches you exercises you can apply in your daily routine. Try a class one day, I promise you won't regret it. Just a tip to remember; don't give up the first day, practice makes perfect. Namaste!